1 Thessalonians 5:11
Wherefore exhort one another, and build each other up, even as also ye do.
Yesterday we hosted our annual ladies’ day event. This event is designed for sisters in Christ to come together to give praise to God, to learn more of God and to fellowship together. It is also a time to invite those ladies we come across in our daily lives that are missing the peace of God in their lives. I am so very happy to say that we had both sisters in Christ and visitors with us yesterday. What an encouragement it was.
Not even discussing the blessings I received from preparing one of the lessons, or the things I learned and was reminded of while listening to the other two lessons we were blessed to hear, I was blessed to enjoy time in fellowship with my sisters in Christ.
I think too often we forget how important our friendships are to others. A sister recently texted me thanking me for all I do for her. My husband asked “What do you do for her?” After humbly thinking about the little I do for her my reply was “I guess I encourage her.” And her thanks to me was her encouraging me right back.
We all need encouragement from time to time…
So then let us follow after things which make for peace, and things whereby we may edify one another. Romans 14:19
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